True or False?


9 Years
Aug 20, 2010
I've been wondering about Gail Gibbons' book 'Ducks!' It was published in 2001 andit says that there are 5 kinds of domesticated ducks; Indian Runners, White Pekins, Buffs, Khaki Campbells, and Rouens. I've heard of more. How much have domestics progressed?
That is completely ludicrous, LOL. I have no idea what book or author you are talking about. Is it more a book about wild species? Anyway, as far as domestic breeds, obviously there are considerably more than 5 breeds and there has been for centuries. There are probably at least 15 or more breeds (just breeds, not varieties) that have existed for more than 80-100 years even, some far more ancient even the ones you mentioned for example Aylesburies and Hookbills (Hookbills even mentioned by Darwin back in the 1800's). Anyway, I am headed out the door right now, but I imagine I could come up with a list of probably 20 or more breeds and 75 or so varieties of domestic ducks easily.

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