Trying to decide on a coop, thoughts


Apr 7, 2016
Welcome to BYC -- what breed(s) are you planning to keep and will they be bantam or large fowl birds? How many birds do you plan/want to be able to house in the coop you choose?

Depending on your answers and how that effects the suitability of either coop my preference between these two options is #2 - it is overall more suitable for keeping a happy, healthy flock as it has much better ventilation and looks to be constructed of better materiel (option #1 is a little pre-fab unit made of "wood" that does not withstand weather all that well and the stress of being moved would make it last even less well). Option #2 offers considerably more "indoor" room for the birds to be in, which is something to consider when you are in a climate that will have times the birds will opt to stay in all day. As for heat, with the exception of a few breeds any fully feathered, otherwise healthy birds would fare better without you trying to add heat, yes even in your location.
I'm not sure on breed, just your basic chick hens (I guess I should research that). I would prefer hens that I can let out and will come back home. Thinking 4 hens is a good number. I also could put chicken wire around the coop about 10' x 10' to let them roam around in if that's a good idea.

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