Trying to decide - when to close up the coop?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Our coop has 1/2 inch insulation board between the walls. It's quite comfortable in there even on hot days. It also has two windows (covered with hardware cloth). One window faces north and is approx. 7 ft. long. The other window faces south and is approx. 4 1/2 ft. long. There's also a window over the door (south side) that we'll need to cover with a board if it gets really cold.
I have 18 LF brahma, 6 months old today. I'm trying to decide at what nighttime temp. I should start putting down the shutters that cover the windows. So far they've done fine with all that air circulation.
Well my coop is not insulated and I'm in MI. The temps have dropped to the 50s at night with a couple times down to 48 and so far I haven't closed the 2 windows. They do have one 85 watt red bulb in there though.
i almost said "NOW, NOW", but then noticed your location. i've shut my coop up already, but we've been getting night time temps in the low 30s and high 20s.
I guess I should have mentioned that. Our nighttime temps are only in the 60s right now. Suppose to drop down into the 50s at night next week. It will probably be December before we see nighttime temps of 30, if then.

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