Trying to figure out problems with last incubation


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
Colbert, GA
Okay, I had 18 eggs in a LG with humidity of 25 to 30% humidity from day 1-18. Then I put in my hatcher with 60% humidity. Only half hatched. I noticed the outter membrane was dry on all. The inner membrane was really sticky and some of the "whites" (amnion) was dry or really sticky. Some of my birds did not fluff out. I had to wash them several times to get the "mouse" like stuff off the down. The last chick I had to complete help out. He was really stuck, well not stuck like dry but stuck sticky kind of like peanut butter sticks to bread. Wet, but stuck. So in your opinion should I run more humidity during the first 18 days? Did they loose too much moisture? I had the humidity up to 75% trying to help the last one out. Do you think when I ran up the humidity I drowned the other chicks? Just looking for opinions from others in order to do better next time. I hatched 1 white silkie, 1 Large Fowl Cochin, 1 MF d'uccle, and 6 serama/silkie mix. By the way, my first hatch I put in my hatcher for all 20 days and had a good hatch rate and no stuck chicks. Humidity was at 50% most of the time until day 18. Thanks.
I am no expert but understand the humidity should be about 40-50% the first 18 days and 65% the last 3 days. Also no opening you incubator past day 18.
It sounds like your humidity was too low. I keep my humidity between 50-60% the first 18 days and then bump it up to around 70% for the hatch. It works real well for me.
I run my humidity at 45% through the entire hatch. I stagger hatches every week so I am always in and out of the incubator. I hatch in the bottom of my incubator and some if they hatch early, don't get stopped being turned. (hen's don't stop turning the eggs)
I've been running mine like Hoppy. And it's working really well. 45-50, staggered and hatching in the bottom. So it raises for a bit as they get hatching but goes back down fairly quickly when they're done. It's what works here.

Each house is different, as welll as city/state/region. Fiddle with it a bit at a time. Remember ventilation is more important than humidity at hatch.

People closing it all the way up to raise humidity often simply suffocate chicks.

Too much humidity will also kill.

So a little at a time, nudge your pre-hatch to somewhere in the 35-40 range and check those results.

You'll know you're in the right range when you aren't expecting one and it's out clean and dry, no goo and no trouble and you blink for a bit. That's your setting...

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