Trying to figure out what breed?


10 Years
Jul 1, 2009
new Hampshire
My friend got given two of the smallest cutest roosters ever, They are full grown red and black and can stand int he palm of my hand no bigger than my 10 week old easter egger and they are very friendly. Any guesses I want a pair of them but we don't know the breed.
I wish I did I have even been scannong the internet, I think they might be japanese somthing but there very small and sooo cute, thats all I know about them. Most of there body is red with some blacl in the wings and about 6 inches full grown
Sounds like they could be Seramas, they are the smallest breed in the world and they are a japanese breed. Do a search and compare them.
Sound like Seramas, but we'd need pics to be sure. Mine are very friendly, but be careful! They are VERY addictive

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