Trying to figure out what cross of breeds for my own meat birds


11 Years
May 25, 2008
Washington State
I was thinking since it seems you can't purchase normal white cornish anywhere! What do you guys think if I purchased white rock hens and breed them with a white laced red cornish rooster. Would the chicks be a faster growing bird than pure heritage chicks, but not as fast as cornish-x mistery meat bird? has anyone done this mix and liked the results for meat birds? how was the breast meat size and legs? And taste for that matter?


I have been reading a bit and the Delaware used to be the meat bird of choice. Has anyone put a Delaware roo over cornish hens or would you do a white rock over cornish hens? I had a delaware rooster a few years back and he was huge!

At the end of the day I want a sustainable flock of birds that I take the eggs when I want meat birds throw them in the incubator and 21 days later I have a new meat flock for the season. And quite a few people in my area I know what the same thing so fertile eggs or chicks would sell fast.
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YUP... a number of people have... a definate improvement in terms of rate of gain ... not as good as a Cornish X ... and they taste just like chicken.
yep taste like chicken!
A friend (Al) is breeding White Cornish to White Rocks with spectacular results. This is one of his culls I was able to steal from him. He is 3/4 Cornish, 1/4 White Rock (or is it the other way around??) He is 7 months old.



He has a roo still in his flock that is half again as big. He is selling me a bunch of his hens to breed to this big guy. So, I'm already half way to my sustainable meat bird flock.
I've been thinking about doing this too. My only suggestion is that I would recommend a White Rock rooster over Cornish hens. Cornish males often have trouble successfully breeding.
I want some... I was hoping for a trio to get started in meat chickens... does he still have some available?

I will ask him, but I think he is keeping the rest. He also gave (yes, gave) me about 30 chicks from this line, and they are out in my tractor now. If those do well, I will be happy to share the results.

I think he is wanting to focus more on his Cornish lines and so is splitting up his meat bird project with me.
If you have 30 chicks and hens coming I would be very intorested in hatching eggs from you next spring!! Like 2 or 3 dozen eggs. It would take a while of growing a few generations myself out of the equation. Plus we are starting to build our farm house this summer and will be ready for our meat flock by spring.
Thanks for the info I have read issues with fertility in cornish hatchin eggs but I didn't know if it was the rooster or the hens having messed up eggs or something geneticly.


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