Trying to find chicken ordinance for the city of Celina TX


5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
Plano TX
Hi, I am moving from Plano to hopefully a city that will allow chickens on backyards. I would love to move to Celina, but want to know first if that will even be an option there. Was not able to find anything fairly updated about the matter, so I am afraid this will be a no go there. Anyone know for sure?
I dug deeper, under another section, not specifically related to fowl, but pertaining to how much land is required...
Sec. 2.05.002 Area requirements for keeping livestock

(a) The keeping of large and small livestock (as defined in section 2.01.001) shall be permitted on any premises of which the overall site is a minimum of two acres in area.

(b) The number of large and small livestock (as defined in section 2.01.001) permitted shall not exceed one adult per one acre of land, not including that portion of premises on which the residence is sited. It shall be prohibited to keep more livestock than can be cared for under sanitary conditions and not create a nuisance. In no event shall the number of animals exceed the permitted number of adults and their foals or calves up to six months of age.

(c) The acre of land on which the residence is located and the land on which the septic tank and field are located shall not be included when calculating the area of a lot or tract that is available for the stabling of livestock.

(d) The person in lawful possession of the premises, as owner or tenant, may keep thereon large and small livestock belonging to others, but limited to the number of livestock allowed on the premises per the area and distance requirements of this section. Such keeping of livestock shall not be done as a commercial business in violation of the zoning ordinance.

(e) It shall be unlawful to keep livestock in any number which substantially interferes with the use and enjoyment of neighboring land by causing discomfort or annoyance to persons of ordinary sensibilities.

(2004 Code, sec. 95.24(B))
Hmmm.... I hear from the locals that there are chicken everywhere, and nobody there owns as big lots as 2 acres. I am utterly confused. Tempting to become an outlaw. :p

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