Trying to Hatch Eggs from Deceased Hen...


The Chick Addict

Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Jun 23, 2022
Hello Y'all! My family's beautiful hen, Restaurant passed away last night and I collected 5 eggs from 2-7 days ago that were in room temperature in my pantry. I set them under my broody hen, Debbie and I am hoping they will hatch. I looked at a couple of threads about hatching older eggs and most were successful. What are your thoughts on this? Also, am I supposed to do anything to help Debbie hatch them? I'm hoping this will work, I will keep updated. :fl💚
Hello Y'all! My family's beautiful hen, Restaurant passed away last night and I collected 5 eggs from 2-7 days ago that were in room temperature in my pantry. I set them under my broody hen, Debbie and I am hoping they will hatch. I looked at a couple of threads about hatching older eggs and most were successful. What are your thoughts on this? Also, am I supposed to do anything to help Debbie hatch them? I'm hoping this will work, I will keep updated. :fl💚
I have hatched egg that were in my fridge for two weeks,it was a gamble but it worked perfectly and two chicks came out of the two eggs.
I have also heard about people hatching 3 week old eggs however the older it gets the less chance there is for a chick but 7 day old eggs is totally fine to hatch so you can just treat them like eggs that are a day old.
The only thing that can happen is that they might take a little longer to hatch, I have heard that for everyday you wait to incubate from the egg is layed another hour should be added to the hatching time😊
Thanks y'all! Last time I tried hatching eggs, I couldn't tell if there was any development. I can't tell the difference between the yolk inside the egg and an embryo. When can I start seeing development? I set them yesterday evening and it has been Day 1 today. I saw a large darker spot in 4 of the eggs and nothing in one. One of the eggs that seemed to have something in it has a really small thin crack. Should I throw it out or is the darker spot development? Or is it just the yolk? Thanks!
Thanks y'all! Last time I tried hatching eggs, I couldn't tell if there was any development. I can't tell the difference between the yolk inside the egg and an embryo. When can I start seeing development? I set them yesterday evening and it has been Day 1 today. I saw a large darker spot in 4 of the eggs and nothing in one. One of the eggs that seemed to have something in it has a really small thin crack. Should I throw it out or is the darker spot development? Or is it just the yolk? Thanks!
I can also find it hard to see what is developing and what’s not so when I candle I always have a normal egg next to me so if I’m not sure if there is development I candle the normal egg and then I can see the difference from the two eggs😊
I usually candle for the first time at day 7 or 5 depending on my excitement😊
At day 7 you can see clear development so you know exactly what eggs are alive and infertile
The main thing to look out for is veins and that the developing chick doesn’t move when you rotate the egg, if there is no veins and the chick can move freely and is not stuck in one spot that means it probably not alive anymore
Good luck hatching😊
I can also find it hard to see what is developing and what’s not so when I candle I always have a normal egg next to me so if I’m not sure if there is development I candle the normal egg and then I can see the difference from the two eggs😊
I usually candle for the first time at day 7 or 5 depending on my excitement😊
At day 7 you can see clear development so you know exactly what eggs are alive and infertile
The main thing to look out for is veins and that the developing chick doesn’t move when you rotate the egg, if there is no veins and the chick can move freely and is not stuck in one spot that means it probably not alive anymore
Good luck hatching😊
Great advice! Should I discard the one with the tiny crack even though there may be some growth?
Also, Debbie the broody, will get off her nest to get a bite to eat and drink. When she's ready to get back on the nest she'll go into another nesting box with or without eggs. Any advice on how to deal with this?
Great advice! Should I discard the one with the tiny crack even though there may be some growth?
If it’s a tiny crack I would let it be, I have heard some people fix the crack with a bit of candle wax, but if the egg with the crack is not growing or end up not making it I will trow it out the second I see that because then it can be more likely to explode.
For the hen that can’t seem to find the right nest, I would move her, to her own place so there is no doubt wich one is hers.
You could also be really quick to collect eggs in the box she likes to go in so that she might see what box there are eggs in and go in that one😊
how long has she been broody?
Another option is to block that nest off or see if she might have switched nesting place, that can happen sometimes so if she starts only laying in another box I would just give her the eggs and see if she will stay put there😊
If it’s a tiny crack I would let it be, I have heard some people fix the crack with a bit of candle wax, but if the egg with the crack is not growing or end up not making it I will trow it out the second I see that because then it can be more likely to explode.
For the hen that can’t seem to find the right nest, I would move her, to her own place so there is no doubt wich one is hers.
You could also be really quick to collect eggs in the box she likes to go in so that she might see what box there are eggs in and go in that one😊
how long has she been broody?
Another option is to block that nest off or see if she might have switched nesting place, that can happen sometimes so if she starts only laying in another box I would just give her the eggs and see if she will stay put there😊
Thank so much! She has been broody for 2 weeks and a half, still going strong. Should I block off her nesting box and leave a small feeder and waterer inside for her? I can't block off any other nesting boxes because the other chickens use them. She will also move to nesting boxes without eggs as well. Thanks! 😊 💚

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