okay, I convinced my husband to let me try to hatch 5 barnyard mix eggs. Roosters are both Delaware, Hens are as follows: 2 EEs, 1 Golden Comet, 3 delaware, and a cuckoo maran. (my buff orp is still mommying her miracle xmas chick)....so i am trying to hatch 2 EE eggs, 1 purple delaware egg, and 2 other ones that could have come from anybody. I've got a double cooler set up, tried it with a red bait cooler, too hot, too close to the eggs... put the whole bait cooler on it's side inside of a free styrofoam cooler, omaha steaks!, moved the eggs to the far side, poked vent holes, mesh sponge dealie copied from the gopherbator, and have the lid cracked enough that the temp is staying pretty solid... i'm a stay at home mom, spend most of my time at home, so I;m checking it super often.... raising/lowering the lid.... I am hopeful.... and the whole thing cost less than $5.... 2.50 for coolers and glass for viewing, and then the lightbulb. already had a humidity/temp....