TSC “different” duckling


Apr 17, 2022
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
So I found myself with three new TSC ducklings. Again 😅. They were in the assorted bin, but it had a big sticker labeled Rouen on it. But then was told “Someone forgot to change the label.” 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m pretty sure 2 of them are for sure Rouen, they have much more distinctive eye lines than most. But this third one… I can’t decide if it’s another Rouen, but perhaps is female and the other two male, or maybe just a day or 2 behind the others, or if it’s a different breed altogether. Their markings are all very similar, and this one’s eye lines are much more prominent too. BUT. She is overall a lighter/grayer brown than the other two, has more of a white chest instead of yellow, her bill seems more narrow, and the tip of her bill is much more pink/red than the others, she is pretty small comparatively, and her eyes seem more rounded as well, although that could maybe be her “eyeliner” playing tricks on me. What are y’all’s thoughts? I got them Saturday, so I’m thinking they’re 4/5ish days old?
She’s the one in front.
Is the red tip of the bill basically leftover egg tooth? And that’s why hers is brighter than the others?
When stores get the shipment of poultry, they'll be older than 2 days. By that time, the egg toot will have fallen off. Some just have a lighter tone than others.. My one female Rouen had a lighter and more pink beak than the others I raised. Wood ducks are more "rare" to find in stores and are very expensive. I had 2 wood ducks and their babies won't really look like that.... :) more like this-


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