Ck, my tsc had a retired faculty member who chair univ Wyoming Ag dept., and is current the states rep for FFA, he was awesome and very knowledgable
I had to go to TSC today and the CHICK sign was out. The kids went crazy and were so excited to see the chicks. It is so dangerous!!! I can't have any more I am already over the limit but they are so CUTE!!!

(No we didn't leave with any!!)

At my TSC in VA they get chicks every Monday morning, on Sundays they sell the chicks and ducklings for HALF price!
The Mt. Airy MD TSC has Wyandottes, red pullets, Cornish crosses (some are getting big and sorely tempted me...I could have meaties in a month as big as they are, but it's cold for them outside) and Pekin ducks.
I bought some Silver Laced Wyandottes at a Rural King in KY. They're only 2 weeks old and mean as heck -been feather picking. I bought some special meds to put on my poor Brahma, and after they realized she tasted yucky, they moved on to two other victims. I had to sit and watch to see who was doing it, and realized they're just a gang of bullies. One was literally standing on top of another chick, while the others pecked it's tail feathers. I removed them to a separate brooder (my whirlpool), and now everything's fine. I have some more of the same exact breed I bought at a local co-op, and they're nice. I've never seen mean little chicks before.
I just came home from TSC with 8 new babies... To add to the 26 that I just hatched.
I got 4 banties, (I think 3 silver laced cochin and a buff brahma, but we'll see!) And 4 Russian Orloff's that were labeled as RIR!
This week's featured breeds were Russian Orloff (In the wrong bin...) Golen Campine, (which of course were all gone before I got there. Bummer.) California Grey, Rhode Island Red, and Iowa Blue. They also had assorted ducks, cornish broilers, and an assortment of red pullets.

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