TSC employees said chickens/ducks don't get worms!

Mar 22, 2019
Okay so let me start with, I honestly like going to TSC. I get a lot of things there for my cats. I also am the farthest thing from an expert on any animal, let alone chickens/ducks. However, today I went there and asked if they had any kind of dewormer for poultry. I am making a first aid kit, of sorts, so I'm not running to stores when things come up.
The first lady said "oh I've never heard of a dewormer for poultry" then the second says "yeah chickens and ducks don't get worms, that just like cats and dogs"
WHAT?! Why would someone who is working at a store, where they sell chickens and ducks, not know basic things?
I'm sorry if this seems petty, but I felt dumb the way she talked to my fiance and I. I just walked away. Ugh
I don't know why they hire people in those stores who don't know about chickens, ect. I tried numerous times for my local feed store to hire me cause their employees don't know how to care for the little guys. Poor things are either so dirty with pasty butts, almost dead or have filthy water and feeders. But to answer your question, yes chickens can get worms and there is dewormer. There is other brands too.

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