TSC Tilton, NH

Too bad I still haven't convinced my Aunt in N. Conway to get Chickens yet... I'd send her.
The problem with the Tilton swap is that it is schedualed for the same day as a pre exsisting swap.

April 4th is also Merrimack NH and had been set up since last month.

I cant stress enough to PLEASE email or PM me or a phone call even when dates are set for swaps.
I have booked through June and there are still dates available for swaps, BUT If these are schedualed after I have a date set, I am afraid not many people will be attending the second date set.

I know I for one can not back out of the Merrimack swap to attend the Tilton one.
I hope those who had planned on Merrimack will still attend.
Even if its only for a few hours then off to Tilton.

Lets get it all together so this doesnt happen again.

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We'll be at Merrimack. When we make a commitment we don't go back on it, barring family emergency.

Dave V.

Plus, I assume most of the same crew from Milford will be there, and we liked hanging out with them
We are quite the fun group.

We, well I am going to be at Merrimack as well. Dh will be in Milwaukee and the kid is going to be at my moms.

FREEDOM!!!!!! even if it is only for one day.

But just you all wait to see what I am bringing.

Tony do you want me to save you some fudge? I will keep it aside for ya. All ya have to do is introduce yourself.
Since it sold out so fast at the last one I am going to be making two pans; plus the other goodies and such. I will set aside some for you. Promise
since it seems like everyone is going to the Merrimack swap instead is there anyway to change the date for the one in Tilton? It would be nice if there was a way to have a big turn out for both of them. I dont know who setup the one in Tilton though.
I thought about it but do not want to make waves.
I would prefer they contact me but if that isnt possible I can leave my number at the Tilton store and they can contact me with dates.
ugh as I mentioned to janet, I dont mind they set up I just wish they had checked for an available date, I dont want to see a swap fall on its face because the organizer didnt check to see if another one was already schedualed.
My kids really wanted to go. My DD was hoping to rehome 2 roos so they don't end up at "THE FARM". (Buff orpinton and New Hampshire red both a year old) If it's changing date than can someone please post!!

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