TudyBOT Feedback & Discussion Thread

I feel as though this AI will be misused and will cause this forum to continue to become more like any old chat forum. More and more members will use the BOT for their own entertainment which could result in more troll-like posts. It was a fun joke, but I don’t think it will help better anything for the community. I wouldn’t want info from anything other than a person with real, true experience. You know that when a member on here takes the time to answer your questions that they are trying to help, and I like that. People can also share their own experiences, stories, and knowledge and not just a cold, dull, same old response that is given by an AI. Having the BOT here feels like BYC will be splitting in half with those that use it (sometimes for the worse with all the random “funny” question asking that clogs things up) and those that don’t want anything to do with it.

I like how BYC was before there was any TudyBOT, and I just wouldn’t enjoy it as much if this BOT stayed around.

I’m not trying to argue with anyone here. This is just my own personal opinion. I really appreciate this thread, and whatever the final decision is, I appreciate that we can have a chance to give our opinions.
BIG question is where would she be "allowed" to be called / invited to participate?
Turn it loose in the Games and Jokes forum.

It spews out too much bad information to be in forums that are critical to the health of poultry and other livestock.

It's too dumb to understand that niacin is vitamin B3.
Ultimately I know BYC is privately owned, so I do appreciate that people's opinions are being consider.
I tend to lean toward not having TudyBOT. I do find her interesting, and I'd view her answers exactly how I'd view any person's. Something to be considered and cross checked for accuracy. But I truely want my questions answered by real people with real understanding and experience, not something that's just repeating words at me.
Sharing my thoughts...

TudyBOT can be useful. The trick is implementing it in a way that does not bury every thread with people who tag it. The response time is incredibly fast so I could see people tagging the AI into threads they click on but do not have the knowledge to be able to help. They may be well intentioned and REALLY want to help.

For our seasoned members seeing a flood of TudyBOT posts can certainly be off putting. Especially for those with the AI on ignore since they would see all the tagging just not the responses.

It is a tool and like any other tool has its uses. It's a matter of finding the right use for this particular tool.

I am not against it since inevitably we all interact with forms of AI daily. One form is the talk to text on so very many devices we all use regularly.
It is in my opinion best to get used to AI since it is certainly not going away outside BYC.
People who want quick, impersonal answers can google them.

So, my inclination would be to allow @TudyBOT to be called-upon in a responsible way by ONLY those that want her to engage, in all the sections of the site. That way, if someone wants to ask her about knitting, that can be in the hobbies section. Ask her to write chicken jokes... in the games/jokes section. A quick chicken emergency help at 3am... the emergencies section.
Then the rest of us will see that request everywhere.

If you don't think that will happen, consider how often Storm is called to feed threads or Bees is called to coop design or ... (don't get me wrong, I value the input of both tremendously)

No more chance to delete quoted insult/reword, delete quoted insult/reword, delete quoted/reword, ... No more chance to just don't go to that only one section.
I love TudyBOT for many reasons, first she's a valuable asset for questions, second she is super fun and I've had the best time of this forum so far with her! I think allowing her to only interact if tagged is good so only people who want to use her can.
If you really want an honest idea of how forum users want this added, you might invite the people who didn't like it who all suddenly stopped posting in the intro thread at the same time I did. I think it was for the same reason I did; I know it was in at least some cases.

If you want an echo chamber, obviously, you have the power to do that.

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