Tufted Roman Geese

My pair

Beautiful geese, question, is this tuft the same as in silkies and crested ducks? open skull? just curious since I don't think anyone has ever said.
Haha you can see all my breeds/species on my facebookpage :D ;)
If i did face book Daniel I'd love to see them but I don't..
but I can read your signature and see you have alot. so you'll just have to keep showing pics on BYC for those of us you don't venture other places. [without getting lost]
There needs to be more activity on this thread. These are such nice geese.

Currently I have three pairs of them along with a pair of Africans. My Romans are much much quieter. They are more stand offish than my Africans and aren't pushy for attention but enjoy quiet relaxed conversations.

My female Anais will occasionally groom me. Her brooder mate Henry sometimes would let me reach out and pet him. Lately since this is Henry's first spring he has been learning new things very quickly. He has learned that challenging me, not backing down, then charging me will only cause me to drop the empty feed scoop so I can have both hands free to pin him to the ground in front of all the other geese. Had to do this a couple weeks ago. A few days afterwards his chosen female, Arwen, laid her first egg. He has continued to keep a respectful distance away from me when he is telling me off. This has been much easier than what I went through adjusting my African ganders attitude who has since decided I am the supreme object of his affection.

My other two Tufted Roman ganders, Samwise and Aragorn, the naughtiest they have been towards me is standing about six to eight feet away and hissing acting like they can't make up their mind if they really want to be naughty. All I have had to do with them is just change my body language, stand up straight, kinda like are you sure you really want to go there? Then their ADD kicks in and they quickly shift focus. I can't recall my girls hissing at me at all, they are usually quiet and calm.

We are still early in the season and I am interested to see how things will progress but so far they seem to be very easy. This is my first breeding season with multiple pairs of geese. I figure this is when things should really start to get interesting. So far things have been fairly calm. There were a few gander skirmishes a few weeks ago at beginning of breeding behavior but nothing lasted longer than five minutes from the start. None of the ganders got seriously hurt, nothing more than a few feathers pulled out. Now that the young ganders have seem to have gotten it out of their systems things have calmed back down.

They also seem to bully the other animals less than the pair of Africans. Not that they don't, just not as often. They can get almost as loud as the other ones when the need arises but unlike the Africans don't feel the need to be loud while I am doing daily chores, giving them fresh water, hanging out laundry or just opening the front door. My Tufted Romans are curious and they do greet me and interact with me, they are just not stepping on my feet while they are doing it.

All in all I really like my Tufted Romans, They are quiet easy keepers that do the job of a goose quiet well.

So to all you other Tufted Roman keepers, what have your experiences been like?

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