Tumors? Abscesses? Please help!


Jun 22, 2022
Has anyone seen anything like this? She's acting fine but keeps to herself. Patches feel warm but not hot. I don't want to just poke her for no reason. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Much appreciated.


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She is 12. We feed Dumor Organics. It's her wings. It looks like new feathers are trying to come in but the areas are very puffy. None of my girls lay anymore so they are pretty much spoiled pets. She's always had something with her skin but never like this. If you see to the right her 'ear area' has always looked dry and missing feathers.


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Hard to see the ear, if you can get more photos of her face and how she stands that would be good.
A crusty ear may be ear canker or possibly mites or infection.

I agree, it looks like impacted feather follicles, you may want to pull one out and see if there's pus.
At the age of 12, I'd be hesitant to do anything drastic, but if you can express any pus out, it may help her heal a bit.

A chronic skin condition could be Marek's. Even though she's quite old, if she's had skin issues all her life, this may be the cause.

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