Tunneling critters


Aug 30, 2016
Will this keep critters from tunneling into my coop? I am debating this vs putting a few layers of chicken wire down on the floor of the run covered by some dirt...


should help, I also laid down hardware cloth on the ground that spanned twelve inches along the coop and run and covered it with dirt... in the sub flooring of my coop I stappled in hardware cloth and put the flooring on top. do you have an idea of what was trying to dig in?
Only question I have is are you leaving those concrete blocks over the edge of the hardware cloth like that? If so, that kind of defeats the purpose of the hardware cloth apron, as critters would start digging at the edge of the blocks and just tunnel right under the wire. You really want the wire to extend past the blocks (so they'd start digging at edge of block, hit the wire, and not go further), or simply not have the blocks there at all (so they'd start digging against edge of the run/coop, hit the wire, etc).

Also how wide is the apron? It looks like it's not a very wide apron and you'll get better results if you can cover closer to around 18-24".

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