Turken contest!!!!


Lola the NN telling a story to a lady friend.
I think her color is between red and buff.
16 weeks old here.

Here she is again .

This one is Nina and she has a bigger comb and is lighter in color.

As babies they always would seek each other out to sleep. The would continue to seek each other out for a long time to go to sleep together and eat together. They don't do it quite so much now.
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Just thought Shade Tree deseved a better pic
He's crowing his little heart out in this pic
Likes to be hand fed
He likes to stay at the calf pen by himself,and he's the first to crow every morning
Shade Tree runs down the hill every morning to greet me:)
I called him Shade tree because he waits under bushes,and behind trees waitng for the ladies to come by lol

Red and Black
5mths. old
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Ok, I have to enter my babies, I just saw this contest!
Here is Woo, formerly Wooster when it was thought she was a he, but she is a she. She is a few months old I don't remember exactly and don't have my hatching calendar here. I love her little "hat":


Here is my darling Goldie who was supposed to be a her but decided he was a he. He is one of the original 8 left on my step last Dec. Approx. 9 months old now:


This is Flat Top, Goldie's best buddy, left together so same age:


Last but definitely not least, Little Turk, who is no longer as Fugly as he was, his feathers are coming in. He is the same age as Woo approx. a few months but don't remember exactly:

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These are my turken girlies. The black one is Buzzard, the one on the bottom left is Fancy, but the others looked too much alike to give them individual names. They always stuck together - in the dust batch, on the roost, at the feeder, out free ranging - they were best friends. I don't have them anymore, though. When we moved last year, we didn't have a hen house at the new place, and I had a friend whose hens had all been killed by a neighbor dog, so she kept all my chickens. It was a SAD SAD day when we delivered them and said goodbye.
One of these days, I have to have more turkens! I loved them. They were cute, friendly, and great broodies.

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