Turken Pullet Possibly Egg Bound but not sure?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 27, 2013
I noticed that her bumm was red and no feathers but couldn't remember if she had feathers there or not since Turkens don't have a lot of feathers. This morning she was having trouble walking but is eating and drinking fine. By the time I got to her, she was walking good too. I brought her in the house and observed her while waiting to get my internet connection. She was flexing her vent.

I put her in a warm bath (which she loved by the way - and she's a big girl and I wasn't looking forward to a wet wresting match with her). I lubricated the vent and checked and could not find any egg. I messaged her for about 20 min and she is now drying.

I'm not sure what my next move should be? Should I give her antibiotics just as a precaution? She will be staying in the house tonight so I can check her in the morning.
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You could try giving her a crumbled Tums, calcium tablet, or crushed egg shell in some yogurt for calcium. Since you didn't feel and egg she may not be eggbound. Don't give antibiotics unless there is some sort of infection.
Vavaldia laid her egg sometime in the night! Yeah! She's a morning layer so It must have been further down the track so I couldn't feel it. She not longer flexes her vent and is happily laying normally again. I took these pictures just before her hot tub soak!


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