
What you think is attractive, I might think is ugly --- it's all a matter of perspective.

I, personally, like Naked Necks because they are different and unusual.
I admit, I don't care for red-skin Naked Necks.
edit that: ...just say they look kind of obscene to me)

That's the great thing about chickens
There are enough breeds to satisfy every niche.

If you don't like Naked Necks, there are oodles of other breeds to choose from
I LOVE the odd, and less-liked animals. My all time favorite animal is a snake, and I own 5. I love Alligators and Crocodiles, and predators that eat our poultry. Because most people hate them and want them to die. They need someone to love them, and Its me! I love all animals though. There is nothing I find more amazing then a hawk singling in on a prey item, how amazing is it that they can see a little mouse up to a mile away?! So naturally, I went for the odd chicken! I love my NNs. My all time favorite hen is a NN, named Uno. She's always the first one to greet me and she follows me all over. She gets in my face whenever she can, and she clucks her heart out. They have been my best layers, and lay great big eggs. Everything about them is awesome!
Yeah--what THEY all said! They are gentle creatures, and very hardy in the cold. My NNs come out in the snow when everyone else stays inside!
I love the unusual too!
Mine are so independent, they go off in the good ranging areas where no other chicken has gone before,lol.
Good layers, sweet & I've had only a couple go broody.
You know, they do just grow on you. They have great personalities. My DH wanted to order a couple just because he likes everything odd and he knew it would drive me crazy. Well, I ordered two in back in Sept and now they are two of my favorites, I wouldn't give them up and will be adding more come spring... and I think Lisa's (Dipsy Doodle Doo) NN Frizzles are just about some of the cutest birds ever!
So you know where to aim the axe??
Just kidding! I think they look goofy, but cute!
And showgirls look like poodles! Male showgirls- Kinda' like drag queens don't ya think?
right now i just have boring breeds LOL nothing fancy or wierd - so this might be a dumb question - what is a turken ? is it a cross of something ? and are they the same as NN?

Yep, depends on your area as to what you call them, but they are the same thing. They aren't a cross, they are all chicken
I used to have a few, and everytime I went to the swap with some to sell, I was ALWAYS asked if they were a turkey cross. LOL

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