Turkey can't stand up - any ideas


9 Years
Jan 2, 2011
Yukon, Oklahoma
Same turkey - Tom - that I have posted on before. Now he seems healthy - not eating, but I am shoving it in him lol. Now he looks OK, no respiratory probs, but he can't walk. Every time he tries to walk, he acts like he has had way too much to drink. Falls over and if he does manage to get going, falls head over heals and ends up on his back. Any ideas?? I don't know what to do. Antibiotics? I just hope someone can help me. He is a great bird and like I said seems healthy except he is "drunk"
Let me start by saying I am NOT an expert, and quite GREEN but...

I'm thinking since not eating well, possibly save-a-chick added to water, or possibly some honey.

My line of thinking is that, like people if you get low blood sugar, you get light headed and dizzy.

Yes, I really wish someone would help - I am giving him game bird food - and dog food which is easier to get into his mouth. there is always some food and water there, but I'm not sure he is eating it. I have started him again on tetracycline for lack of anything else to do. I am going to worm him today. PLEASE someone help. I count on you guys for assistance since I am so new at this.

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