Turkey coop ideas?


Apr 13, 2020
The Netherlands
So we are saving two turkeys because their owner was going to cull them. he didn't have enough space. We were planning on having turkeys next spring but this is a nice oppertunity for us. The only problem is, we need a coop for them and we don't have any ideas how to make it. Of course i saw some youtube video's but still. We have a shed for our chickens but i read turkeys would rather be outside and high up? So if anyone has some nice ideas or pictures they are more then welcome!
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It sounds like you are on the right track!

Maybe a pen would be better. Not all turkeys can fly
It sounds like you are on the right track!

Maybe a pen would be better. Not all turkeys can fly
So will they just sleep on the ground then? I can try to ask the owners if they sleep high up or on the ground too. We were planning on buying a second chicken run too. Sounds small but i can walk upright in that coop and it is at least 3 meters wide.
So will they just sleep on the ground then? I can try to ask the owners if they sleep high up or on the ground too. We were planning on buying a second chicken run too. Sounds small but i can walk upright in that coop and it is at least 3 meters wide.
Definitely check with the owners for housing ideas. It really does depend on what breed of turkeys they are for housing
So will they just sleep on the ground then? I can try to ask the owners if they sleep high up or on the ground too. We were planning on buying a second chicken run too. Sounds small but i can walk upright in that coop and it is at least 3 meters wide.
It depends on whether they are a heritage variety or a broad bread breasted variety.

Turkeys need a lot more room than chickens do. Plan on a minimum of 10 sq. ft. of clear floor space per adult turkey and a minimum of 100 sq. ft. of run space for each adult turkey. These are minimums and bigger is better.

If in an area where predators are a serious issue, a fully enclosed secure coop is the best for night time lock up. If not a 3 sided coop is used by many.

For heritage turkeys a roost that is 6' above the ground level is fine while broad breasted turkeys are better supplied with a hay or straw bale as a roost.

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