Turkey eggs- free ranging nesting question


Feb 12, 2017
East Tennessee
We have a new pair and our hen laid her first egg today. They haven't quite gotten a routine down yet or learned the land so she found a "doable" spot and laid her egg. When you are free ranging do you just let them lay wherever and hope for the best?
If you are looking for the hen to perhaps hatch if she goes broody than you will want to set up a place that is safe for that. Otherwise turkey hens will do their best to hide their nests in tall grass and will be very insistent to return to it each time they lay. I pick up and collect mine so it can be a bit of a treasure hunt some days if they lay outside of their run.
If you are looking for the hen to perhaps hatch if she goes broody than you will want to set up a place that is safe for that. Otherwise turkey hens will do their best to hide their nests in tall grass and will be very insistent to return to it each time they lay. I pick up and collect mine so it can be a bit of a treasure hunt some days if they lay outside of their run.

What is the best way to set something up for her? I am new to turkeys.
When I keep my hens confined during laying season. I use 10x10 and 10x12 dog kennels. I used to use tarps over them. But now create flat roof with sheet metal and 2x6s. Strapped down.

If I let mine free range and they goto set on the nest. Usually end up a predator dinner.
If I let mine free range and they goto set on the nest. Usually end up a predator dinner.[/QUOTE]
Feedman that is what happened to one of my free range hens. She was nesting nearby the pen and something got her. Feather trail was all that was left of her. The other thing you must do is, keep the Toms away from them when they are nesting. Toms will try and breed with the hen when she is sitting on the nest. Hens will get injured or even killed by aggressive Toms.

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