Turkey Eggs Infertile?


5 Years
Jul 19, 2018
I am having some problems hatching heritage turkey eggs. The tom is 12 months old and the hens are 9 months old. I have observed breeding activity for the past month or so. They started laying almost a month ago. I put 14 fresh eggs in the incubator 6 days ago. Just candled them and I can't see any signs of development. Is it possible they would show no signs of development at this stage or they really all infertile? I normally candle a couple hundred chicken and duck eggs every year, so I know what I am looking for, but I haven't incubated turkey eggs in 10 years and can't remember how long it takes to show an embryo.

They are getting 18% all flock pellets, oyster shell, grass, and separate free choice fish meal and Fertrell Nutribalancer, which they do eat in small amounts. It seems like all my bases should be covered nutritionally. Has the tom just not figured it out yet, lol?
I am having some problems hatching heritage turkey eggs. The tom is 12 months old and the hens are 9 months old. I have observed breeding activity for the past month or so. They started laying almost a month ago. I put 14 fresh eggs in the incubator 6 days ago. Just candled them and I can't see any signs of development. Is it possible they would show no signs of development at this stage or they really all infertile? I normally candle a couple hundred chicken and duck eggs every year, so I know what I am looking for, but I haven't incubated turkey eggs in 10 years and can't remember how long it takes to show an embryo.

They are getting 18% all flock pellets, oyster shell, grass, and separate free choice fish meal and Fertrell Nutribalancer, which they do eat in small amounts. It seems like all my bases should be covered nutritionally. Has the tom just not figured it out yet, lol?
I would not get concerned when candling at 6 days. They take 28 days normally to hatch. They develop slower than chicken eggs.
Too soon to tell for sure. Right now doesn't look good.

With a fresh egg look for a bullseye.

Can't see a bullseye on a egg that's been in incubator or broody.
Update: They have now been laying for 3 months. I observed frequent breeding activity the first month. The second month Tom was courting his ladies every day and they were not receptive. Now none of them seem interested in breeding. They are still laying eggs.

First two batches were all infertile. In incubator batch #3 there were 8 fertile eggs of 24 and 7 hatched. The dates on the 8 were back to back. Batch #4 is in the incubator now. Out of 26 eggs only 3 were fertile and are looking good at 3 weeks.

I have tried some different feed combos and protein levels, and it doesn't seem to make any difference. They are currently getting 20% turkey feed with calcium and fresh grass.

Any more ideas to get them interested in breeding? I am considering whether to replace either tom or hens for next year or give them another chance?
I would replace the tom.
I would not get concerned when candling at 6 days. They take 28 days normally to hatch. They develop slower than chicken eggs.

I have duck eggs that were started the same day and have clear development already. Do the turkeys take longer to show development compared to other birds with a similar incubation period?
By day 6 you should see something
I had this happen with my duck when she was new to laying though
She started end of august I incubated eggs from October till nov when they finally started to develop
My boy was younger then she was
Mine were mating all the time but my eggs just weren’t fertile
I would give it more time as she is newer to laying eggs and see if in a few weeks they do better

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