Turkey hissing


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 4, 2009
Holland, VT
I've got one of my 2 mo old BBW that seems to like hissing at me. Of course, it is doing things it wants to do and I don't want it to (roosting outside the coop, running around outside the fence). It is only the one doing it,none of the others do even being picked up. Just that one's attittude?
I don't know much about turkeys yet but we have a few ducks and one of them is just plain mean! The other ducks love being together and will run up to meet us when we bring food but this one duck (a male) chases after whoever is around ... even our turkey who is much bigger than him.
It's a warning to you to stay away. Quite a brave one at 2 months. Perhaps he's a male who has plans to rule the flock. Take no notice at this age but in another four months you might want to watch out for the beak!
Thanks, I thought it might the "leave me alone" noise. I was under the impression that hens were more likely to do this when nesting and one got to close for their comfort. If this batch is like last years, I won't be too worried, in 4 more months they'll be in freezer camp.
The ones that will be year round residents are coming next year. (gotta work out the housing kinks first)
ha. Some of mine hate me to! I've got some 7 week olds and the strange thing (similar to above) that 2 of them are hissers and 3 are not. Seems like they'd all do it or none would. One of the more interesting things I've been learning (I'm a new turkey owner) is that they really do develop individual personalities. Its one of the things that make them fun to watch.

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