turkey nest box?

My pen is about eight by ten foot with wire on three sides. I think the brush pile might be my first attempt. thank you everyone
Well, I found the pile of trimmings left over from wreath-making at the xmas tree farm next door....nice, soft balsam tips preserved under the snow all winter, they seem just-picked. I filled my big wheelbarrow and heaped it up. Filled one side of their pen with a deep mound. They are scared of it, as expected, but someone laid an egg near the pile tonight!

I am thinking of putting a slanted roof over it with a scrap of siding. Also, I have three turkey hens with one tom....should I have dividers or will they share the brush pile? I am hoping all three will raise poults for me.

Now it sounds like I am working my way back to nest boxes!

We have 3 hens and 1 tom as well. We've been using pine straw for bedding, will a pile of that work for nesting too? We also have horses, would hay be better? How big should the pile be...in other words how close together should the hens be? Are there any advantages to boxes which should be considered? Thanks!
Whatever you use for bedding, make it deep and cushy. Otherwise IME eggs can get accidentally broken by the weight of the hen as she shifts around.

Good l,uck, have fun,

i have one pair of turkeys, my first ones. They are almost a year old and the hen has just started laying. They have a big coop and i keep it plush with hay on the bottom. But she has chosen to use the plastic playhouse out in their pen. i have hay in there, too, but she has dug out a spot and lays in the dirt. She isn't brooding now, so i collect the egg every day. i thought i should add more hay, but it looks like she prefers the dirt.
We have a similar situation. After reading here we put a huge pile of hay in their coop but they seem to prefer to lay their eggs on the floor.
My hen keeps laying her eggs in the duck's baby pool... weird turkey...

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