Turkey poult dying please help


Oct 16, 2020
I need everyone’s advice. Brought home some turkey poults not even a week old. One of them started doing like a gag motion and really weak. Won’t eat. Sounds stuffy when it breathes. It died. Now a few days later another one is getting symptoms. Doesn’t sound stuffy but it keeps closing its eyes and laying down. Seems really weak. Doesn’t want to eat or drink. My questions are
What could it be?
Is this something that could be passed to my chickens?
How is it treated?
After death could it still be spread from the carcass?
Please and thank you. I need help fast.
They can suffer from shipping stress if you got them at the feed store. Or did they come from a breeder? I am familiar with chicks, but not poults, but I would offer some sugar water or electrolytes by dipping the beak often, and then some raw egg, and mushy feed. Fluids are most important. Check for any pasty butt, and keep it cleaned off. Do you have them under heat? I hope that you can save them.
The baby died. We took the other poults out and cleaned there cage. They was purchased from a breeder and have good light. Kept in the house. We started cleaning there feet also just in case poo was there. One has pasty butt. I noticed on 3 that they have what looks like bumblefoot. It’s hard and goes completely through the feet. I took tweezers and pulled it out of there feet. I’ve been putting vitamins and stuff in there water. I’ve never seen bumble in a baby.
And so far the other poults are eating and drinking so I’m hoping for the best. Would penicillin or LA 200 be good here? Could this be mycoplasma causing it? I read it causes infection throughout the body and bumble is infection. I’m sorry for posting so much but I’m trying to keep these babies from dying.
And so far the other poults are eating and drinking so I’m hoping for the best. Would penicillin or LA 200 be good here? Could this be mycoplasma causing it? I read it causes infection throughout the body and bumble is infection. I’m sorry for posting so much but I’m trying to keep these babies from dying.
Our vet used LA200 for our turkey before.
The 3rd poult is doing what the first two did before they died. I’m so frustrated. Idk what to do. I’ve given them la200, vitamins and probiotics in the water, I’ve even checked for mites. These babies hasn’t been here but a few days and each night one dies. They were doing ok today and seemed ok.
I need everyone’s advice. Brought home some turkey poults not even a week old. One of them started doing like a gag motion and really weak. Won’t eat. Sounds stuffy when it breathes. It died. Now a few days later another one is getting symptoms. Doesn’t sound stuffy but it keeps closing its eyes and laying down. Seems really weak. Doesn’t want to eat or drink. My questions are
What could it be?
Is this something that could be passed to my chickens?
How is it treated?
After death could it still be spread from the carcass?
Please and thank you. I need help fast.

And so far the other poults are eating and drinking so I’m hoping for the best. Would penicillin or LA 200 be good here? Could this be mycoplasma causing it? I read it causes infection throughout the body and bumble is infection. I’m sorry for posting so much but I’m trying to keep these babies from dying.
I'm sorry you're having trouble.

Can you post photos of them, the brooder setup and the feet? You mention Bumblefoot and it goes completely through the foot?

What are you feeding and what type of bedding are you using?

Does the room/area/brooder have good ventilation?
They are doing well during the day, but each night ones dies - how much space in the cage? Are they trampling each other?
How much heat/warmth are they getting - please give the temp of the warm side and cold side of the brooder.

With more information, hopefully you will get some suggestions that may help you through this.

I don't know a lot about Turkeys, so if you'll get some photos/info maybe those that do raise Turkeys can give their input.

@Huntmaster @R2elk
Can you post photos of them, the brooder setup and the feet? You mention Bumblefoot and it goes completely through the foot?

What are you feeding and what type of bedding are you using
@Harris14 this info would help sorry your poults are dying. Bumble on a poult that young I have never seen. But if there is bumble feet then doesn't sound like they were kept in best conditions. As you mentioned cleaning poop covered feet. Bumble feet, Pasty butt. Only so much stress young poults can handle.

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