Turkey poult or Guinea keet? How can you tell?!


12 Years
Mar 21, 2007
Sonoma County, California
So I went to pick up some turkey poults from the feedstore -last week they had more than a dozen poults and keets running in a huge brooder tub. Today, you guessed it, there was one bird left. One person I asked said it was a poult, another said it was a keet. I'm totally new to both (wanted to get some turkeys for the holidays), so I have no clue -all the young pics of them look the same to me. So I fall on your expertise, how the heck do you tell them apart?! (and any advice for raising?)

Here it is...

Different angle...

(and it's not all alone in there, I picked up a couple new Americauna chicks to keep it company.)
Looks like a keet to me. I have 3 turkeys and there is no resemblence to me. I will see if I can find a pic. of my turkeys.

Thanks! Are those the same kind of turkey, or different breeds?

2 of them are Broad Breasted Bronze and the other is a Burbon Red.
I agree, that is a keet. The stripes on the head give it away. by the way, keets (and guineas) mate for life, so your keet would enjoy a pal, i'm sure. Also, this is the 'cute' stage. Guineas get weirder and weirder looker as they get older. I love mine, but their heads get very strange. The good thing is they've been eating my japanese beetles!
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i really dont know how to tell you how to tell...lol.....but i look at the way their heads are shaped and a keets body looks more?????????? rounded???? i guess you would say. and its stripes
It's beak is different, too, a bit bigger and more orangey color. Also a keet's body is shaped more like a football. And the turkey has more clearly defined wings, while a keets feathers are more even, so you can't tell exactly where the wing is, and the wings are held more to the bottom of the sides.
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