Turkey Suprise


In the Brooder
Jan 23, 2020
I free range about 45 bourbon red turkeys. Due to health issues we have not sold eggs or raised poults this year. My girls have raised a number of poults naturally. My turkeys are in a 1 acre area with food plots and behind a 6ft welded wire fence with hot wires at the top and bottom. My garden shares a fence with the turkeys also. My daughter in law has been telling us that there is a snake in the horseradish patch that is hissing at her when she is weeding. My son was weeding today and must have gotten too close. The "snake" or rather Moma turkey was none to happy to have him weeding around her nest. That Moma had flown to the top of the green house and then down into the garden where she is completely hidden. We will place food and water in the garden and see if she can hatch them.
I free range about 45 bourbon red turkeys. Due to health issues we have not sold eggs or raised poults this year. My girls have raised a number of poults naturally. My turkeys are in a 1 acre area with food plots and behind a 6ft welded wire fence with hot wires at the top and bottom. My garden shares a fence with the turkeys also. My daughter in law has been telling us that there is a snake in the horseradish patch that is hissing at her when she is weeding. My son was weeding today and must have gotten too close. The "snake" or rather Moma turkey was none to happy to have him weeding around her nest. That Moma had flown to the top of the green house and then down into the garden where she is completely hidden. We will place food and water in the garden and see if she can hatch them.
Do not place the food and water close to the nest. It attracts undesired guests.

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