Turkey with cracked beak


Jun 10, 2019
My blue slate hen recently formed a minor crack in her beak. Today when I was putting her away for the night I noticed it the crack had grown and was going down the middle and continued up her face as well. I brought her inside and out her in a brooder while I figure out what to do. I'm going to put triple antibiotic ointment on her face and am not sure what to put on her beak.
She calmed down and is sleeping in a brooder in my garage. I've applied triple antibiotic ointment onto her cut. She is a very calm and docile turkey. I hatched her and raised her this spring. She was lonely a little while ago but has calmed down since then.
She calmed down and is sleeping in a brooder in my garage. I've applied triple antibiotic ointment onto her cut. She is a very calm and docile turkey. I hatched her and raised her this spring. She was lonely a little while ago but has calmed down since then.
I'm glad to hear that. I only have chickens but I would've done the same thing.
I wonder if she accidently flew into something... poor girl.
She's a pretty clumsy flier at night-but then again she can't see very well at night either. It is very likely that she could've flown into another coop or a fence. Is there a way I can strengthen her beak until it heals?
Do you have any suggestions as to how to do that. I'm planning on calling my vet tomorrow to ask similar questions. She is having trouble eating, I think she is in some pain so I'm trying to do as much as I can to make this stress-free and quick.
I agree, beaks don't fuse back together but they will continue to grow out. I would think you would need to somehow hold the beak together until the beak grows out. I have no idea of how to do this.
Do you have a trusted vet in your area?
Yes, all of my goats, dogs, cats, and other animals go to the same vet. I have been seeing them for the last 5 years or so

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