Turkeys and Peafowl...


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Lebanon, OR

I have been given the opportunity to hatch out some turkey and peafowl eggs and I already have chickens. I am wondering if they will get along or if I will have to alway keep them separated? I have 42, 9 and 8 week old chickens now and will have 12 turkey eggs and 2 peafowl eggs. Of course there is the possibliity that they won't hatch, but assuming that they do, I thought it would be nice additions to my super "mini-farm".

Do any of you have experience with these species and their living together? I would appreciate your input.

Thank you,
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ive got turkeys an chickens togather.an the coexist fine togather.i dont have any probs with them at all.i had peacocks but they ended up getting killed by varmitts.so i dont know how theyd got along with the hens an turkeys.
I have had chickens and peafowl free ranging for years. Each breed seems to largely ignore the other except when a chicken hen has very young chicks with her. Then the peahens will peck at the little chicks.

Francie in western NY
I have my turkeys and chickens mingling together, and for the most part, they ignore each other. My turkeys will get a little territorial sometimes, but nothing serious. I have a turkey hen with poults right now, and she leads them around the chickens without a problem. My OEGB roo seems to think he's their protector.

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