Turkeys, Ducks and Geese?


8 Years
Jul 8, 2014
Lebanon, Mo
I am considering getting 2-3 turkeys to help with ticks and possibly snakes. Can I put them with my ducks and geese? I only have one gander and goose and he is not very aggressive towards the ducks. He's a Pilgrim gander so very mellow for a gander. My drake is also not aggressive. Is there a reason I couldn't have them together?
I have Guinea Fowl to take care of these things in my yard, neither my turkeys or chickens seem very interested in ticks and snakes. I keep all three groups in the same coop and they get along just fine. Guinea's are great, check out the forum for more info. They are very interesting birds.
I don't have a huge area for guineas to roam and close neighbors so guineas are not an option for me. Thanks though.

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