Turkeys due to hatch July 17th... ***day 19 & peeping and pipping ***

Day 14 for the 8 turkeys and 6 ducks.. still looking good... just don't know about the peacock, but no odors, so all is good
Day 7 for the 18 silkies, lots of blood rings, blanks and one looks good... nothing pitched yet..will hope for the best.. why is it when you really want something to hatch..thats the one that does the worst?
Lockdown tonight, and so the waiting begins, down to 8 turkeys (out of 12), 3,maybe 4 ducks (out of 8) 1 silkie out of 18- only two developed, and no peacock... I'll have to get the silkie a friend, If she hatches.. Kind of bummed about the silkies, I was really looking forward to a few of them,
oh well, let's see what Sunday brings. The waiting is HARD!
Woo hoo, day 19 and the turkeys are pipping!

I know, I know, don't count your chickens before they hatch
the turkeys should be on a good quality 28 - 30% turkey or gamebird starter
we always started ducks out on a 24%.. then dropped it down to 20% to prevent angel wing after a few weeks.. but in all honesty it's been a few years since i hatched out any ducks.. so someone with more recent experience could give you a better answer on them..
Increased the humidity to 70%. I got four turkeys

All sound asleep
And daffy

there are still some eggs in the incubator, but no noise or pipping, will give them some time

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