turkeys turkeys and more turkeys


May 1, 2019
Northern lower Michigan
I have a lot of wild turkeys that come around every day looking for chicken food recently I've moved the chicken feed into the coop but sometimes I catch them in there! The are even getting slightly tame and only run off once I get within ten feet of them! Once I even got so close I could've jumped out and captured one. I don't want the turkeys giving diseases to the chickens how do I get rid of them?
lol yesterday I took my broody gen out of the box(we don't have a roo so It doesn't make sense to keep her in there). The turkeys start to come by really close and she kinda puffs up and attacks one of them I barely stopped her from chasing them all the way across the yard!:lau
My cousin has about 30 in his yard every day. He tosses out feed for his ducks and guinea hens, and has to practically fight the turkeys back. Lol.

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