Turkin Rooster

Miss Lydia

~Gift of God ~ Eternal Life ~John 3:16-17
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Oct 3, 2009
Mountains of Western N.C.
There is a Naked Neck[Turkin] rooster that has been hanging out at our lil church for about a month now, I am thinking someone drove into the parking lot and let him out, he spends most of his day hanging out under some ornamental plum trees and seems to be pretty mellow for such a big guy. But sad to say he can't live there much longer, there is major road work coming our way and the trees will be taken out which will leave him with nothing to roost in or for protection, Some of us from the church have been going by and feeding him, and tomorrow I plan to worm him, He looks very healthy other than molting right now, I would love to bring him home but having 2 roosters already and some bantam hens makes me nervous since when we had LF rooster before they terrorize my bantams, So this big guy needs a home, if you live anywhere in Western NC and are interested please PM me. I can catch him and meet you or you can come here and I'll take you to meet him. Thanks for reading.
I don't think he's an old roo actually he looks really young and handsome in an unusual sort of way.
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If only I were closer!! Perhaps you can catch him and keep him caged until a home is found, for his safety? Although if he's made it a month, he's probably doing pretty well for himself. I hope you manage to find him a good home. :)
If only I were closer!! Perhaps you can catch him and keep him caged until a home is found, for his safety? Although if he's made it a month, he's probably doing pretty well for himself. I hope you manage to find him a good home.

Thanks ShayBaby, I'm thinking since the road work is getting closer by day, I will bring him home and keep him isolated from my gang in an Xlarge dog crate and hopefully someone will eventually want him, I also put an ad at our only feed store. First time ever seeing a Turkin in person I think he is so cool looking everyone else thought he had been in a fight [no neck feathers]
They really are beautiful birds (ok, depends who you ask I guess :lau)! I have a whole flock of them that would gladly accept him if we could. There's bound to be someone nearby who appreciates their fabulousness. :D
They really are beautiful birds (ok, depends who you ask I guess
)! I have a whole flock of them that would gladly accept him if we could. There's bound to be someone nearby who appreciates their fabulousness.
I hope so.
and I'd say their unique looks have to grow on ya.
I've always like the unusual

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