Turning an automatic door into solar?


Jul 2, 2020
HELP!! I wanted to build Fort Knox this time around, so I went to eBay looking for a used automatic door/opener. (They don't exist there, so save yourself the time!!) I found my dream door/opener kit, a ChickenGuard premium but there were 11 bidders and sale was final so I went with this Add A Motor kit with door for $140 incl shipping buy now deal.

I didn't realize the damned thing plugs in??? I ignorantly assumed it would run off of a 6V or 12V battery or even better, be solar powered like my $30 spotlights. My husband is going to kill me!! This coop is turning out to be quite the expensive and elaborate anniversary gift!!! I told him when Coronavirus hit, I was ready for 3rd Time's a Charm, but please, the coop NEEDS to be Fort Knox. I can't take slaughtered babies in the morning. I've been traumatized, as have the kids, twice now.

So, does anyone have any CHEEP suggestions to convert/connect this door/timer/motor to a solar cell? Will I need a battery as well? I shudder to mention this all to him. He pours concrete and is beat from work/heat and having to come home and work on a coop-ugh!! Just saying, who the heck has full electric/outlets in their coop?? Not me!!! I just have a 40 sq ft raised coop with a run under/attached and it's way out in my yard. My yard is 22 acres which backs into a summer camp. WILD wildlife up here. But yeah, no electric!!! I don't find it necessary. If I had an actual barn, yeah!! But not for a small coop, and not in the middle of my yard!!!

I found a solar cell for $18 at Lowe's that's for boat engines. And I found one at Cabela's for $25, sounds similar. They also have a 6V or 12V battery for decoys/feeders. I'm realizing it needs to be for outdoor use. But please-AFFORDABLE suggestions PLEASE!!! Stephen and the Gals need their door installed and wired to finish up Fort Knox.

Thanks ✌️
We have an off the grid cabin that does have solar. It has a solar panel (cell?) plus a battery (that stores and provides the energy to the cabin). We use a 'marine' battery (like for a boat). It's stored outside in a heavy duty covered storage bin, that has holes cut in side to allow wiring to get to the battery.

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