Turtle help

Sounds like you should pass on those sites to your friend.

Just opening a turtle book or googling about the turtle would have told you that turtles need the lights.
poor turtle, hes probably freezing to death.

I had a different breed of turtle, but she would stop eating on occasion, for no good reason. She'd start eating again right around when I got really worried. But I never had a time when she wouldnt eat fat earthworms. Maybe its bored and needs some variety... I can relate
Did you use bleach again? Did you do it like you did the goldfish, where they all died?

No soap of any kind either
! many years ago I had a roommate who really wanted a turtle so I got her one with a huge long aquarium, filter, basking rocks/light the whole shebang. It was a beautiful setup. After awhile she couldn't understand why he was acting ill. I went over the care with her and seemed all was OK. Then I saw her using the bucket she used for the soap on her car was the SAME ONE she used to clean his tank!!!
Okay, I have to go to Gainesville on Monday to tend to my daughter's disability issues. Im going to put him in his travel case and take him with me to stop at a pet store to see if they can tell me what breed he is. I know I can find a lamp on craigslist, I saw one earlier today for free with tanks and stuff, I will see if it's still available

I did do research on tank environment, figured that the reptile pad would be fine. When she gave him to me he was just in a tank full of water with a koi and an apple snail. I gave the Koi away and the snail died, no idea how. He is still in the same tank he was before but only about 4 inches of water in one half of the tank, pebbles and stones on the 2nd half of the tank, just like I learned through research. We been adding stuff little by little, usually given to us by family or off from craigslist.
I did ask a petstore on what to feed him and they gave me the pellets, which he been eating for the last year.
I think a lot of people make the serious mistake of getting pets and not doing any research on their own. A lot of pets die that way, or at least lead miserable lives.
ok..i am not trying to be a jerk or anything but if you are relying on craigslist for your pet needs, its time to let him go. he needs to be with someone who can give him basic needs. a light is 5 bucks at walmart..if you cant swing that, you dont need ANY pets. also, dont take him out in the cold in a travel case, that can kill him pretty quick. craigslist is great and all but if you cant even buy him a cheap light, i would put him up for free on craigslist.
you havent bought him any new food for a year????

get that guy some meal worms!

NONonoNONoNONO... I baught food a year ago, 10 containers of food that doesn't expire until 2012. He been on the same thing the whole time.
I look at craigslist for things that might be available. Sometimes you can get real good deals off. We look there first sometimes.
I was given instructions by my friend, I asked a pet store, and I did a little bit of research online.

I was told that he was a red-ear slider. Slider part is true but I just now found out that he is a yellow-belly not a red ear. I didn't think I would need to research his type of species since I was told what he was. Now, Im getting more and more information that is useful.

He has grown alot more since I got him then when he did when he was with her, plus his environment is more suitable for being a turtle then when he was with her. Thing that Im missing is a light. SHE was feeding him just fish flakes.

I thought I had everything I needed but a part that was missed.
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