Twin chicken development

Did the twins hatch?

I'm so anxious...! Hope all is well with the chickadees
Thanks everyone for the good wishes! Also tha k you for the link, it was a good read.

I left the chicks last night with half of the shell open and thought they might be able to make their own way out at that point and raised the humidity and let them be. This morning they hadnt progressed. So today I have been slowly peeling back shell and membrane to free them.

Unfortunately the other chick was not alive when I found it, she was much smaller than the chick which is still alive.

Now, I am still trying to save the other chick. Clearish goo has dried over some parts of her body and is very stiff/unable to move and cannot disconnect itself from the membrane and still has some yolk. I am debating whether it would be best to cut it off and apply pressure or leave it attached. She can hardly move or open her eyes because all her feathers are stuck together and needs bathing in water. I have been trying to loosen her feather by wipeing them with a damp cloth but is having little effect.
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Thanks everyone for the good wishes! Also tha k you for the link, it was a good read.

I left the chicks last night with half of the shell open and thought they might be able to make their own way out at that point and raised the humidity and let them be. This morning they hadnt progressed. So today I have been slowly peeling back shell and membrane to free them.

Unfortunately the other chick was not alive when I found it, she was much smaller than the chick which is still alive.

Now, I am still trying to save the other chick. Clearish goo has dried over some parts of her body and is very stiff/unable to move and cannot disconnect itself from the membrane and still has some yolk. I am debating whether it would be best to cut it off and apply pressure or leave it attached. She can hardly move or open her eyes because all her feathers are stuck together and needs bathing in water. I have been trying to loosen her feather by wipeing them with a damp cloth but is having little effect.
Keep temperature up, Put her in a small cup or something, and keep the humidity up. DO NOT remove the yolk sak. That'll almost definitely kill her. Give her time. She probably won't make it, but that'll be out of your control. You can just hope (and pray) for the best and give her her best shot.
Okay, I have done as you suggested. She is in a cup in the incubator surrounded by a damp cloth. There is only a small amount of yolk so hopefully she will be okay. I will update when something changes.

The little chick is still fighting and seems a bit stronger today and wailing her head avout but is still not that great. Her fur isn't fluffing up even after 3 baths but has managed to open one of her eyes half way. I am trying to keep her comfortable as much as I possibly can.



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There is lots of info on site about assistance. Go to Incubating, hatching with friends. Originally started by Sally Sunshine. I see she has already posted in your thread. Thank you for photos.

Keep us posted.

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