Twin duck egg ready for lockdown

I just realized today that the duck eggs, including the twin yolk eggs are Muscovy duck eggs. I thought they are all regular duck eggs, so I put it in lock down on day 18. Will the ducklings be ok? I did candle both eggs yesterday and today, and I saw movements. Just hopefully it will be ok with a too early lockdown day.
Did you raise already humidity for lockdown? Even mallard-derived duck eggs take about 28 days to incubate (and Muscovy roughly 35), so you are really early on lockdown.

Since the Muscovy eggs are only a little more than halfway through incubation at this point, I'd stop lockdown, reduce humidity to pre-lockdown levels, and keep turning until actual lockdown. Best of luck with your hatch!
Did you raise already humidity for lockdown? Even mallard-derived duck eggs take about 28 days to incubate (and Muscovy roughly 35), so you are really early on lockdown.

Since the Muscovy eggs are only a little more than halfway through incubation at this point, I'd stop lockdown, reduce humidity to pre-lockdown levels, and keep turning until actual lockdown. Best of luck with your hatch!
The lockdown is already at day 31 and yes I have been maintaining the humidity between 70-75%

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