Twisted neck and semi-paralys.. day 24.. HELP ! :(

No problem for asking, Leahtor. Grit - small rocks? No, it didn't have the chance to eat to much grit. When it was still ok, i have taken him to parks, when it was grubbing/ scratching earth and sand. Since it was sick, i didn't brought him grit. It's main source of food now it's grains of corn. I observed that corn are quicker absorbed than bread, now. When it was ok, it was inverse - corn assimilated slow than bread.

My mom said that if it has internal parasitic worms, they must be seen in it's poo, like for humans. In charts and on Wikipedia doesn't said that about chickens parasitic worms, it said only blood or eggs can appear. Like i said before, i have seen a few thinks that resemble a parasitic worm eggs. Somebody know more about chickens internal parasitic worms? It could be this the cause?

I don't know what to do with him now. It definitely lacks of power.. it's very very weak. Days before it had the power to rotate it's head around, trying to regain the equilibrium but now it can't do this. It's starts to can't swallow the corn that i give him by "force". All it's happening it's a big crap... i'm so sorry about him.. I let the light open all the time, since yesterday because, in case of ... i guess it's better to happen in light than in dark.. Anyway, it's not in the direct lighting, of course.
when you say corn, is it softened? It needs more easily digested foods right now like boiled egg mashed and maybe mixed with yogurt to help keep some strength and liquids as well. Yes you can see worms in poo if they have some.

Also keep giving him the vitamin E for wry neck. It takes a while to take effect.
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If you can find it - get him some Baby Parrot feeding formula. You mix it with water and make a thick paste to feed him. It is very good for him and will give him nutrients that he needs quickly.

I am sorry for your struggles with him. I know you love him.
No, i am not giving him softened corn. I am afraid of choking so i prefer to give him whole grains. Due to lack of power, the grains remains in the neck sometimes, not being swallowed. I am afraid to not enter some into the trachea. That's the reason for i'm not giving him wheat anymore - the grains are to small and i'm afraid to not go on the wrong way.

I will try to find for him some baby parrot feeding formula..

I brought him to my computer, for a small video shot. That's the movie:
It was not scared, or something - it has breathing problems, that's why it's beak were open. I give him tea every one or one and a half hour, for this reason. I know the sensation when breathing with mouth open for a long time.
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I wouldnt give him any more whole grains...especially if he has no grit. He can't digest the grains. For now he needs food that is easily digested like yogurt and boiled egg mashed up. He is too sick to process whole grain.
Hi -
To be honest with you - not sure why or what is wrong with your bird - but it looks very like it is neurological - that either by disease or trauma ( something before you got him) Has caused him to have an issue with his brain. It could be that hes had a wee bleed or maybe has an undetected tumor, or an infection has spread to the brain and damaged it. A bit like cerebral palsy in a human child. From what you have written and showed, if it is neurological the chances of him ever recovering and being a normal bird again is doubtful.

I don't think he will live very long as the condition sounds as if it is deteriorating, sadly this happens a lot with neurological conditions.

Love him the best you can as you are , make sure he is pain free and comfortable. carry him about so he gets to see outside and breath the air and hear the other birds.
I think he has a life limiting conditon and sadly that means you have to make the best of the days you do have together.

Oesdog - your a great person and a lovely caring owner.
- you are learning so much and your little friend is teaching you so much about handicap!!! he is a wonderful gift!!!!
Just watched your video. Very sad. That poor thing has some major neurological problems. Very sweet of you to take such good care of your pet! Where in Romania are you from? I have been there 3 times. Very beautiful counrty! I was very happy to see a poster from Romania!

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