Twisted neck and semi-paralys.. day 24.. HELP ! :(

This looks like wry neck which is a vitamin deficiency -- I am guessing in Romania you can't get your hands on children's liquid Poly-vi-sol WITHOUT iron...

There is a search line on the right side of this page, between the two blue lines -- look up "wry neck". The vitamins you want to give him are vitamins E and B... and something else... it will take a few days for him to improve, but with proper care, he WILL improve. Nice of you to not eat him.

From what I've read Vitamin E is properly absorbed only in conjunction with Selenium, which was the one I could not think of

Good luck to both of you,
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His lungs are along his back, so when he is laying down - he should be laying so his keel (breast bone) is down. You can use pillows, towels or shirts to help prop/block him from rolling to his side or back. You may need to find a way to support his head if he needs it, to be sure his airway is not restricted.

This should help his breathing and may help the blue skin color.

for you both.
You know, you can sometimes get them to drink a little bit from a dropper, just dribble it by the side of the opening of the mouth and then they'll sip the water (or whatever) in. Can you get ahold of any Gatorade or something else with electrolytes in it? He might be interested in some kind of yogurt if he's willing to sip a little fluid. I wonder if you have anything there like a liquid baby supplement, maybe even some baby formula, but work on the liquids first. It does seem like wry neck but I don't know. If you can find the baby supplements, get it without the Iron like Jenny says.
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MissJeny - i give him about 5 ml per day of vitamins. 2.5 ml contains glucose and have a yellow color. the rest is colorless. Both contain the "B group" of vitamins. Given to me by the vet. I bought him E vitamin for humans, too. (there are not "e"vitamin for animals, here)
Welasharon - ok, i cut the corn and i given him yogurt last night and some bread mixed with corn powder (i don't know the right term). All with a lot of mint tea..
Oesdog - Huh, i know.. it will be very nice for him to "carry him about so he gets to see outside and breath the air and hear the other birds",i know.. but it's in too poor condition now.. (in video looked conscious/ lucid due to handling)
HorseFeatherz NV - You're right. I put-it in the position you say. He stayed like that in the past, when he felt better.
Victoriacl - i'm from Bucharest.
Chkn - here we don't have Gatorade but we have similar stuff i guess. He can't sip.. he can't do this from a long while, to say so..

In this morning had make some gurgling noise after giving him some tea. I guess he didn't swallow correctly. The mixture of bread with powder corn was hard to swallow to.. the alimentary boll must be put pretty deep in his neck to be swallowed. And the swallow movement was very weak.. i helped him with massage more than in the other days..

I have starting to think if it's not better for him to give him some cherry brandy, for setting him free.. With all of my care, i realize it's a pain for him to sit in the same position, with it's neck twisted like a piglet tail or to eat.. due to slow swallowing movements.. But i don't know if i have the right to do this.. it's tiny heart are still beating..
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a lot of people will not like my post but i have to give my opinion on this
i know you are trying your very very best with this cockeral, and are very attached to him, but i think there comes a time when you have to he in pain? am i keeping him alive for him...or for myself? does he have ANY quality of life like that?

i just watched that videoclip and my heart broke, he looks in so much discomfort and pain...and the angle that his neck is at, it took me a good few moments to figure out which way up his body was. i couldnt tell until you turned his body the right way!

if it were me, i would put him out of his've tried for nearly a month to save him...a lot longer than others would try im sure
but so far he's only got worse?

i know a lot of people are wishing for a happy ending....but sorry, to me he looks to be in so much pain in that video. do the poor guy a favour and say enough is enough.
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I agree With previous poster. It's up to you. You have done so much for him. It is your choice as to what to do next. It is OK to allow him to die if that is what's best for him. You are a wonderful person for all that you have done!Wishing you all the best with this little guy.

I have two wonderful kids both from Bucharest! I hope to get there soon to visit.
Agree too
, sometimes even our best efforts do nothing but drag out the ending. There is something wrong without doubt, but even the best vet may not be able to tell you exactly what is wrong with a living bird let alone cure it. Very little to nothing can be done for some health problems.

Marek's lymphoid leukosis and botulism are just a few possibilities that can link to movement disorders. Getting a necropcy done or even looking at a few things your self post mortum, though morbid will be a very good tool to improve the ability to treat and diagnose future problems as well as help flag any chronic aflictions your flock may have exposure to.
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I guess you are right, people. I was thinking myself at this possibility since a few days ago, but i was not sure. I guess it ok now.. It has difficulties to hold it's tongue in the right position, you know.. : (

How should i proceed with this, for not provoking him more sorrow? I was thinking to use cherry brandy - in here, that it's a sort of liquor made from cherry, sugar and alcohol. Most children can drink (and like) this drink because it's sweet and the alcohol it's easy support from this reason. But it contains more alcohol than regular vine, so, if it's drinked to much, i guess...

From my calculations, if an 100 kg human have 5 kg blood, that means 5% blood. The rooster has 1150 grams, and if has the same percent of blood like humans, than it should have 57 grams of blood. I feed him with 40 or 50 grams of food per meal, so i guess it's possible to drink that much too. And i guess this quantity it's enough. What do you say?

I am thinking of sweet cherry brand alcohol because i think it will not provoke pain at all, but my mother said that it's possible to not be enough for more than a coma. What should i do?

One more think - he was taken antibiotics, 1 ml per day since 8 - 9 days ago. I know that medicaments don't go with alcohol, yes, but due to this case... I want to know if that (antibiotics taken) could cause pain in combination with alcohol? I hope not, because i don't know other solutions and definitely i don't want to let him go in the classic way..
I don't think alcohol is a very reliable or painless way to go.

Myself I tend to think of cervical dislocation to be about as quick, painless and failsafe as possible. Even other vet methods with leathal injections or heart sticks don't always go quite as quick or well as they should.

I saw another post about using ether (starting fluid), that might be ok pain wise and possibly a good option if you were considdering a necropsy. Ether is a big time fire/explosion hazard and spraying a bunch of it in a confined space a serious risk as all it would take is a static spark or other ignition source to light it up.

Car exhaust is also not great from the pain and suffering prespective, nor is CO2 suffocation. Anyone who has had trouble breathing or getting enough air will know what a nasty panic that is.
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The antibiotics mixed with alcohol won't cause pain. It's a matter of the alcohol preventing the antibiotic from working as well, which of course does not matter for your purpose. Anyway, after this many days, they are not going to work if they have done nothing yet.

I don't think the cherry brandy will do him in, unless he drinks quite a lot, but I would try it anyway, especially if he likes it. It could be that he will drink enough to do the trick. If not, can you get starter fluid at an auto parts store? What you are looking for is ether, which is an old fashioned anaesthetic. Comes in spray form, meant to be sprayed in the carburetor, great for older vehicles that are cranky about starting. Put him in a plastic bag and spray it full of ether and secure it. He will go to sleep and not wake up. Especially if he is already drunk from the brandy, this should be quite peaceful.

You have my sympathy, as does he.

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