Twisted neck and semi-paralys.. day 24.. HELP ! :(

i find the quickest (supposedly painless way as its so quick?) is off with the head but with such a twisted neck im not sure that could be easily done? and also finding the will to do that to a beloved pet is always hard and not the easiest thing to do .
otherwise you could try ether (starter fluid) in a plastic box with him in, secure a lid and walk away for half hour. come back and he should be gone in a nice peaceful way. could ask a vet if he could peacefully put him to sleep with a lethal injection?
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I have done what i have to.. I have chosen to give him some cherry brandy first. I don't know sure if he like it but i think this is pretty humanly (to drink alcohol instead of poison or something else). But i must stopped because the danger of liquid enter to trachea instead of esophagus. The alcohol made tongue and epiglottis not function properly. I had in house some petroleum ether and i used it with a piece of cotton and a small bag. This doesn't work immediately, definitely is not like in movies, witch made this kind of sleep to sucks. I bet it was aware a while, despite the alcohol given first..

He was a big and nice surprise in my life.. i'm very very sorry that all it ended like this..
you did what you had to do.....and imsure he thanks you from the afterlife for it.
Rest in peace little fella.

and should give yourself a good pat on the tried so hard for the little cockeral..your upmost best...maybe he didnt have a long life...but i bet you spoilt him rotten and gave him a fantastic few months
You did what you needed to do, that is good. So many things arn't like they are in the movies.

I am glad you went to the ether as a plan B, alcohol is a poison. Having personally seen and provided aid to people suffering from affects of serious alcohol poisoning there is no doubt in my mind of that.
I wish to thank you all, people, for your time and for supporting me and my cause. I have just return home, i went to grandfather's house where i was made the last thing to do for my little fellow. No dog or cat will ever bother him from where he is resting now..

Thanks again people, for your time. FaneBursuc out.
I am so sorry. No one could have tried any better than you. Thank you for helping him so long. I wish it could have turned out better but nearly a month is a long long time. Without you trying so hard he probably would not have even made it that long.
poor little guy, you did what you clould, he is in a better place now, a place where there is no sickness, a place where he will be healthy for ever..........

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