twisted toed roo

Lovem all

Jul 29, 2020
I have a young barred rock rooster. At almost pullet age he got twisted toes. No one listened to me and so I was unable to fix them. Any ways he's a big boy now and walks, talks, and has a healthy sex drive but i worry about his poor toes still because they can mess him up when he runs sometimes and it took him a while to properly get the girls because his feet are irregulary. When he was younger his feet used to even get small cuts and almost rug burn from how they lay. I noticed today that his one foot was looking just a bit red but im probably parnoid. Any way will the temperature affect his feet at all. I was curious.
I'd keep an eye on his feet to make sure that mud, snow, ice do not build up on them. At this age it is too late to try to correct crooked toes. Good luck with him.

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