Two Chicks Have Crust On Vent, One Wont Walk ??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Boulder City, NV
One of my chicks (born today from eggs simply sat on by hens, no shipping involved) seems to have an enlarged bottom and won't stand up. There's something blocking its vent but im not sure if it's the umbilical cord or pasty butt, so I'm afraid to completely wash it off.

The vent doesn't seem to be off colored like most threads mention, but it is defiantly bigger than normal.
Another chick also has the black crust on its vent but it can walk, but again still afraid to irritate anything on them. These are our first chicks so please help!
There is usually a swelling around the abdomen in omphalitis or remnants of the yolk sac still attached. Run the tap warm and just put the little butt under and see if you can gently move the poop away from the vent. A dash of acv in the water usually sorts pasty butt out.

The vent and belly button are about an inch apart.
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Thank you for the quick reply!

After washing the one that can walk its really starting to look like the crust is defiantly attached to something inside the vent, and considering her bottom looks a little bloated it probably has the yolk disease as well. It's such a shame, but they're now sleeping in their own box separate from the rest with medicated food. Thanks again for your help.
Thank you for the quick reply!

After washing the one that can walk its really starting to look like the crust is defiantly attached to something inside the vent, and considering her bottom looks a little bloated it probably has the yolk disease as well. It's such a shame, but they're now sleeping in their own box separate from the rest with medicated food. Thanks again for your help.

Did you have a look at the second link? This is the pic showing vent and umbilical .

Did you have a look at the second link? This is the pic showing vent and umbilical .

Yes that helped clarify things! It's defiantly attached from the inside and it sounds a lot like a piece of the gutt/yolk hanging out. It's not a lot, and most forums say to put Vaseline on it and gently push it in. Both chicks are a lot more active than they were yesterday but I'm afraid pushing it in will hurt considering they still have the yolk disease as well?
Don't put anything back inside. That only applies to prolapse. If there are any traces of yolk , you are best to let it absorb and then it will drop off, don't pull at it.
There is something for everyone hatching eggs in this article of @Sally Sunshine
Didn't touch it, gave them more heat and electrolytes in water. Now the one that couldn't walk is waddling around and eating while the other is now sleeping constantly and is barely responsive enough to drink. Hopefully she's just tired, but then again who knows. She's shown water every hour but still mostly sleeps. Thank you again for the help it's made nursing these guys so much easier.
Good job! I had one hatch with more than half the yolk yet to absorb, @Sally Sunshines article saved it. Popped him in an egg cup till it absorbed , shriveled up and dropped off. I fed mine baby bird formula with a needle less syringe . It's a sugary sweet mix with vitamins and pro biotics and sometimes it's all they need to get them through a rough start.



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