Two chicks pipped but then died?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 8, 2012
In the land of the chickens :)
2 eggs hatched today and two pipped. It's day 20. The two that pipped were fine at first, squirming and chirping and then I checked on them a few hours later and both of them are dead? What happened? I guess I'll hold out hope for my last 4 eggs... I have the right humidity and the temp is 99.5...
and another question about the second one that hatched...
It's still attached to the egg with a thick umbilical cord.. Will that fall off? I don't want anything bad to happen... Hatching eggs yourself is fun but it sure does have it's heartbreaks...
yeah it will wobble around with the egg for a while as it drys it will fall off ,,, i had it happen to a couple of mine the other day and they are fine !
How long have they been in there? I see people post pics of chicks hatching at 24-25 days. Maybe you need to hang in there a bit longer?!?!?!?!
today is the 22nd day. I'm going to wait but I doubt anything will happen
. I'm left with 2 silkie mixes. One is black (her name is Thing 1) and one is yellow with brown stripes on her back (Thing 2)
I love those lil chicks.

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