Two CX questions...


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 11, 2012
I processed the first of our CX flock on Saturday. There were five roosters in the group of nine. Each weighed seven pounds and were seven weeks old.

The processing went very well. I made a killing cone and it worked perfectly. I kept the five roos calm in a large crate covered with a blanket. I removed the feed the night before. I cut the artery and vein in the neck, just below the jawline and bled the birds out. The scald water was kept right at 150° and 30 seconds of dunking was perfect. I plucked them by hand, which only took about 5 minutes or so per bird. From there it was straight to the cleaning table. After watching several videos and reading many articles ahead of time, I was pretty confident. The gutting went perfectly, taking only about 10 minutes or less per bird. Once gutted the birds were rinsed and went straight into a large cooler filled with ice water. Later that evening, I rinsed the birds again and replaced the ice water.

I only processed one bird at a time.

Here is where the problems showed up.

1. After chilling for four hours I cut one bird up, there was a slimy material between the thigh and body. This isn't the normal connective tissue I would have expected. Imagine seperating a large egg and dumping the egg white in there. That was the volume and consistancy; like egg whites. I cut up a second, and it had the same thing. Is this normal?

2. Yesterday, I grilled one of the cut up birds after aging for 48 hours. Some parts of the bird had a pretty strong, gamey taste. The wings were the worst, followed by the legs, thighs, and breast, with the breast having very little of the gamey taste. Is this the taste that people call chickeny? Because it sure didn't taste like chicken.

I noticed after processing that the birds had a strong smell to them. The taste is like that smell.

Did I do something wrong somewhere?
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Congrats on your first butchering success. Sounds to me like you did everything right. I think the slimy stuff is natural and supposed to be there. It might be interstitial fluid - kind of like plasma. In store bought chicken it is either washed off or the chicken is aged to the point where it has turned from slime to fluid. On the gamy taste I am unsure. Seems like they would taste great! Maybe someone will chime in with an answer. Good luck to you!
Yes, the oil gland was completely removed. In fact, on the bird in question, the entire tail was removed.
No, the Dumor is not medicated. Since it was very unlikely the chicks would ever be exposed to cocci, I didn't see the need to subject them to amprolium.
I processed last weekend too, and I skinned a couple of mine. Two days later, I cut those two up, and I did have a gooey clear substance between the body and the thigh.I just figured it was some fluid that leaked out of the tissue after butchering that congealed. I just rinsed it off.
weird, last night i got some chicken from the asian market down the street. most of it was good, but i was digging into this theigh, and hit a spot that was super gamey. it was really gross.

ive never tasted chicken like that. why does this happen? i really want to know now...

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