Two fighters....what to do?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 7, 2011
How can I manage to keep my two roo's on their good side? Minorca vs. Wyandotte GLW...they are constantly at each others throat non stop and I'm not to sure how to fix this. It may be their nature but it seems a little out of control to me. Tell me I'm putting to much worry into this, haha. Thanks.
Perhaps you should get more hens. Dunno how many you have but they will fight until they establish dominance and then every once in while to re establish it. Seems in my flock, if there are an appropriate number of hens for each Roo they seem to get along alot better and concentrate on stealing each others hens rather than trying to kill each other. Just my 2 cents.
To RoosterRanch: We have 5 hens and I'm trying to buy more but I just don't know where to purchase the ones I'm looking for. So many sites and I'm the indecisive type! Thanks for the 2 cents!
2 roosters and 5 hens - there is going to be a lot of rivalry. Even with many hens there is no guarantee that two roosters will coexist peacefully. It is their nature to achieve dominance and the breeding rights that go with the position. That way they can assure that their DNA carries on. It's normal rooster behavior, and other than seperating the roosters there is little that you can do.
A friend of mine had two roosters fighting all the time, he got rid of the mean one and got another one and the same thing happened, he tried it again, again so he always had fighting roosters, He never gave his roosters a chance to establish dominance. Once your chickens figure out who's boss things should calm down. Btw my friend had 16 hens and the fighting still existed, so let them duke it out and my the best chicken win!
Yes, you need more hens.

I have several roosters and a whole lotta hens. My roosters only spar to establish their rank and that's it. Fairly mild challenges, some neck hackles flared, a bit of jumping at each other, and somebody gives up before any feathers fly. That's at the juvenile stage; all the adult roosters already know where they stand in the male pecking order.
Kinda thinking that's the problem right there. The math doesn't quite add up for the boys - for sure! If you're just going for generic hens, go craigslist. If not, I dont' know what to say - but the boys need more girls in a Big Way, otherwise they're going to fight...a lot -
Kinda thinking that's the problem right there. The math doesn't quite add up for the boys - for sure! If you're just going for generic hens, go craigslist. If not, I dont' know what to say - but the boys need more girls in a Big Way, otherwise they're going to fight...a lot -

Not to mention that those poor hens will be worn out and bald...

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