two hens


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 28, 2010
Brookville Indiana
I have two hens sitting on the same nest of eggs what should I do?
I personally would break one from being broody and let the other hatch the eggs. Some people let two or more broodies hatch eggs together and raise chicks together with absolutely no problems. Some of the things that can go wrong are:

The hens fight over the eggs or chicks and the eggs or chicks get damaged or destroyed.

One hen may kill the chicks that hatch under the other hen, thinking they are rivals to her chicks. She's not being a bad Mommy, just trying to be a good Mommy.

If you have two hens setting on different nests with two different hatch dates, the hen with the later eggs may hear the other chicks hatch and abandon her eggs top go help the other hen raise her chicks or maybe try to take the other chicks away.

If you have two hens setting on different nests with two different hatch dates, one hen may steal the eggs from the other hen.

I'm not saying something will go wrong, just that something might and can be easily avoided.

You may already know what's covered by this link but maybe it will help someone else that reads your thread if you can't use it.

Isolate a Broody? Thread

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