Two mean chickens


Aug 14, 2017
I got my first two 1 yr old EE's in Aug along with their small coop they were raised in. I loved it so much a month later I got 4 one week old chicks. I brooded them close to the adult chick's so they could be use to each other when I decided to integrate them all together in a new coop, which I built when the babies were 8 weeks old. I started them off roosting at night altogether in the new coop and the first couple of nights went smoothly. A little bit of pecking from the adults but nothing concerning, just establishing their place.

The longer I have had them together, the meaner one of the adult chickens is getting, so much so I put her in jail (in her old small coop) and left the "nice" adult with 8 week olds. She was nice as could be with them, then nighttime roosting came and she started pecking extremely hard at the chick next to her. So I put her in jail with the other one, which is now not a jail for them because they like to be together.

I want to to put all my chickens in one coop, but now I'm not trusting the adults. How do I stop the bullying? I've read several threads but I'm not sure how to stop two at the same time. They have been near each other for all these weeks so I thought transition would be easy.

I'm not sure if the source of the problem is this?? The 2 adults I got were raised in a very small coop which only had a box they slept in together. They never roosted on a bar. When I integrated them in the new coop, the babies had to show them how to roost on the bar, it was weird they didn't know how. After a few nights they got meaner. Do you think it's because they want to be in their old coop together? Should I permanently separate them (which defeats my purpose for a bigger coop)? Should I try a different way? I'm so upset my ideal happy flock isn't happening!
id just let it run its course ...they will eventually figure it out themselves ... pecking order and such ... had two males (father and son) that got into it one day ... never seen anything as brutal ... you wouldn't have identified their faces ..there was that much blood ... so i seperated them ... next morning found them together in the one coop ... dont even know how the one got across .. but since then ... become the best of pals
Thank you, I will keep trying. It's so hard to see my chick's terrified of the adults. I can understand pecks to establish order, but the hard pecks seems like too much for young ones. They haven't drawn blood because I haven't let them keep pecking to find out. I will keep an eye on them and see if they can work it out. Thank you!
Thank you, I will keep trying. It's so hard to see my chick's terrified of the adults. I can understand pecks to establish order, but the hard pecks seems like too much for young ones. They haven't drawn blood because I haven't let them keep pecking to find out. I will keep an eye on them and see if they can work it out. Thank you!
Too many times people put human emotions on Chickens..Its not the case at all...They all learn their place in the Flock..Young Birds do not fight back in many cases and as long as it's only pecks and a few feathers pulled?...Its normal behaviour....Space in the Coop and Run needs to be appropriate ....
Yes, I'm think I'm a little too attached and don't like seeing defenseless babies being picked on so harshly. I will keep trying, hopefully it will work out. I have 96 inches of roosting space inside a 8 x 8 coop for 6 chickens, along with a run of about 80 sq ft but I let them free range most of the time and I have several feeding/water stations so I think I'm good on space and feeding. I'm just perplexed why they were OK when I integrated them but the adults are getting meaner by the day, especially when they get to free range. If I allowed them to keep pecking as hard as they do I'm pretty sure they would eventually draw blood but I'm trying to avoid injured chicks. I think I may divide the coop with wire for a week and put them together again. Thanks for all the advice!
Lots of good room you got there, good job. They are sorting out who's top bird for sure. I had my new flock and old flock split for several weeks to a couple of months and I still had the flock dynamics mash up when they all got put together. I observed, made sure nobody got really hurt, and then kept up daily checks. I've got two birds at the bottom of the totem pole right now, they'll be getting protective aprons this weekend to stop the feather pulling. Being watchful is probably your best approach right now.
Thank you all! I tried again tonight to let them figure their spot on the roost in the new coop. Way less bickering from the adults tonight, yay!!! I watched just to make sure I wasn't going to have a vet bill in the morning! The one chick that was attacked so hard was in the corner whimpering, it really sounded like a baby crying, never heard that from them before. She jumped up on my arm which was strange because she's usually skittish, then started cooing in my face, not typical for her at all. I guided her back over to the roost with the other chicks on opposite end of roost from the two meanie (5 ft away) and she calmed down. They were all at peace. Hopefully it will be this easy again tomorrow night. Thank you for the encouragement to try again friends!

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