Two moults in 3 months: NORMAL? NOT? HELP!!!

OK -- thanks! Yes, it was ungodly hot July-Aug. Their run is nice and shady and they seemed fine (and it's always hot here in the summer) but all the same it may have affected them. I hate seeing her looking so pitiful twice in one year, though! She's such a butch hen, and I'm used to seeing her as invulnerable!
it was extremely hot here too this summer, we even put an air conditioner in the coop. I had the moulting thing going on too. I assumed it was from my chickens being different ages. I didn't know they need more protein after moulting. I have some now that are growing new neck feathers only. I have no idea how to answer you since I'm fairly new to chickens myself. I find this thread interesting though. I'd like to find more information on moulting. All my chickens that are sick happen to be growing in new feathers in various areas. ugh
My 2.5 year old Buff Orpington is going into her second moult; my Aracauna, same age, gently moulted at the end of July, then the Buff O moulted HEAVILY in August, then the Aracauna moulted heavily towards the end of August, and now the Buff O is showing signs of moulting again. I do not know what to look for for parasites. This is a small backyard flock of three; the barred rock lost a few feathers but has not had a heavy moult. We haven't had eggs since mid-August.

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